Testimonial Tuesday: Joel Jessup

Over the course of the last 20 years, we’ve been fortunate to find friends and supporters from far and wide. Sometimes though, they’re right here smack dab in FLUSA Country. One such individual is our good friend Joel Jessup. Joel is a retired Army Major having served in the Illinois Army National Guard as an enlisted Infantryman and Human Resources Specialist before commissioning as an Ordnance officer and later serving as a Combat Engineer Company Commander and Human Resources Officer. He currently serves as a police officer in Mahomet, IL and has been a champion of our tactical illumination tools since his service in the Guard.

“First-Light USA provided me with my Tomahawk NV in 2008 before I deployed to Afghanistan. I stopped in to try and purchase one since they were headquartered south of my hometown at the time. The light held up well through the deployment but showed some wear. When I got home they had moved! Two blocks from where I lived and occupied the space where my dad had taught 30 years earlier. They took my light in and did a few minor fixes and sent me on my way. Fast forward to 2023, I retired from the Army National Guard and started a new career in law enforcement. The Tomahawk NV is still carried every day! 

First-Light USA has supported first responders, including Fire, EMS, and Law Enforcement locally and across the nation with an outstanding product. I made some great connections and love working with the company whenever I can. 

 Congratulations on 20 years!” 

Joel Jessup

Mahomet, Il Police Officer

United States Army National Guard (Ret.)